
The Skin Clinic

Wondering Whether Hair Restoration Technique is Right for You?

Hair Restoration Technique

By the time men reach 50 years old, 85% of them will experience major hair thinning. Men aren’t the only ones affected by hair thinning, over 50% of women will also experience hair thinning at 65. They affect most of us at some point, so understandably, many turn to hair restoration treatments. 

Becoming bald is inescapable truth for many, and once you reach adult life, they start appearing. The hair starts to recede, and then it is thinning, partly bald, and finally becoming completely bald. Baldness is no fault of your own, but several factors contribute to becoming bald. 

What are the Causes of Hair Loss?

Before identifying the proper treatment for hair loss, you need to know the causes first. That way, you can help yourself decrease the chances of your hairline receding any further. Here are some of the causes of hair loss:

Hereditary Hair Loss

Most cases of hair loss are attributed to genetics. For men, it is called male pattern hair loss. On the other hand, for women, it is called female pattern hair loss. Unfortunately, this type of hair loss is unavoidable.

Male or female, as long you have the genes, it will inevitably happen. The genes you’ve inherited from your parents cause your hair to shrink and eventually stop growing. Sometimes, hair receding can happen as early as the teenage years. 

For men, the first sign of hair loss is the hairline receding. But for women, the early signs of hair loss are hair thinning. 

Can hereditary hair loss be fixed? Fortunately, yes, it can be slowed down or stopped. It can even grow back with the right treatment. The earlier it is treated, the better. 


Stress causes hair loss, but it is often temporary. But if stress isn’t thoroughly controlled, it can cause permanent damage to your hair follicles. There are three types of hair loss correlated with stress. 

Alopecia areata There are a variety of factors that causes alopecia areata, and one of them is extreme stress. When you have alopecia areata, your immune system starts attacking your hair follicles, which causes hair to fall off. 

Telogen effluvium Stress may also cause telogen effluvium. If there are significant amounts of them in your system, it induces the hair follicles to go into resting mode. Due to prolonged rest, the hair follicles simply fall off when you brush or pull your hair. 

Trichotillomania Trichotillomania is an extreme urge to pull your hair out from any part of the body. Trichotillomania may happen if there is an onset of extreme stress, depression, loneliness, and frustration. 


Some women may experience hair loss before or shortly after birth. The sudden onset of hair loss is due to a decrease in estrogen levels. Fortunately, it is primarily temporary and will resolve itself in a few months or up to a year. 

To help hair recover, use volumizing shampoos and avoid conditioners. Conditioners are heavy for the hair, which slows down recovery. 


Infections in your scalp can sometimes cause inflammation. These inflammations may inhibit growth or even unroot some hair follicles. You will notice the effects if you develop one or more blad spots. 

Treatment is available, and hair will grow back once the infections are cleared. 


A few medications may cause hair loss as a side effect. If you think that this is the case, consult your doctor immediately. Do not stop your medications abruptly since it may cause some severe health problems.

Address this problem, and hair will grow back at once.

When To See A Doctor? 

If hair loss is persistent and doesn’t seem to pass, then consider visiting a doctor. The earlier you find the symptom and see a doctor, the better. The chances of hair restoration are higher if treated earlier. 

Talk to your doctor urgently if you are experiencing sudden hair loss. It may indicate that you have an underlying medical condition, and you may need immediate treatment. 

Hair Loss Treatments

The wonder of modern medicine has made hair restoration possible for many. Learn which one of these treatments is the best for you. 


You can buy some of these prescription drugs in your local pharmacy, and it’s that simple. The FDA approves them, and you only need to consult a doctor to get a prescription. Here are some hair loss prescriptions you can use.


Originally, this drug was used for high blood pressure treatment. Soon, the scientists found out that the drug’s side effect was hair growth. Seeing this business opportunity, companies then developed the cure for hair loss treatment

How minoxidil causes hair growth is unknown, but the drug seems to widen the hair follicle causing thicker hair. Not only that, but the rug also prolongs the hair growth period causing hair to sprout quickly and in other places too. 


Finasteride is also a drug used to treat male pattern baldness, typically in the crown and scalp. However, the drug comes with several warnings. The drug must be out of children’s reach and pregnant women’s. 

Finasteride was designed to combat prostate cancer by decreasing the DHT hormone. The same hormone causes hair follicles in the scalp to be thinner. When finasteride is applied, DHT is suppressed, allowing the hair follicles to grow and slowing down hair loss. 

The medications only work on the scalp, and they won’t work on other parts of the body. 

Habit Changes

Some habits such as smoking or diet may cause hair loss. So when you visit a doctor, they will first ask you to consider changing some habits to prevent further hair loss. 


Several surgery options may cause your hair to grow back. Here are some of the surgeries: 


Hair transplant is available for male pattern baldness. It involves moving some of your hair follicles from the back to the front. The front hairs will then start to grow back again after some time. 

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is the newest frontier in combating hair loss. It works by beaming concentrated light into your hair follicles to stimulate growth. However, the results are not straightforward. 

For some, it is effective, but for others, it is barely noticeable. 

Need An Appointment? 

If your hair loss is persistent, perhaps it’s time to consult a doctor. The earlier you address hair loss, the better. Hair restoration with PRF, Keralase, and Advanced Hair restoration is very much possible. Feel free to set an appointment with us anytime. 

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